Источник: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 14 апр 2023 01:00:00 America/Chicago
EMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PLANBouygues has decided to launch a new leveraged employee share ownership plan, “Bouygues Confiance n°12”. The plan involves a capital increase of a maximum of €150 million (inclusive of share premium) reserved for employees of French companies belonging to the Group, to be effected via a dedicated mutual fund (“FCPE”), the units in which are subject to a lock-up period of five years except where early release is allowed under the law. The effect will be the issuance of a maximum of 6,845,564 new Bouygues shares at a subscription price of €21.912. The FCPE will exercise the voting rights attached to the newly issued shares.
In accordance with provisions of the French Labour Code, the subscription price is equal to 70% of the average opening quoted market prices of the share on the twenty trading days preceding the date of the decision setting the opening date of the subscription period. The subscription period will run from 26 May to 12 June 2023 inclusive.
The new shares to be issued will rank for dividend from 1 January 2023. They will be admitted for trading on the Euronext Paris market (on the same quotation line as existing Bouygues shares) as soon as possible after completion of the capital increase, which is scheduled for 27 June 2023. As a reminder, 8,045,000 shares were cancelled in 2022, notably, in anticipation of this transaction.
This plan gives Bouygues employees, including those of the recently integrated French entities belonging to Equans, a stake in the Group’s development and performance over the long term, and demonstrates yet again the proactive approach to employee share ownership which is a core component of the Group’s culture and values.
Bouygues is a diversified services group operating in over 80 countries with 196,000 employees all working to make life better every day. Its business activities in construction (Bouygues Construction,
Bouygues Immobilier, Colas), energies and services (Equans) media (TF1) and telecoms (Bouygues Telecom) are able to drive growth since they all satisfy constantly changing and essential needs.PRESS CONTACT:
presse@bouygues.com • Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 20 12 01
BOUYGUES SA • 32 avenue Hoche • 75378 Paris CEDEX 08 • bouygues.com